John M. Sarbak, M.D.

Dr. Sarbak’s philosophy is that plastic surgery should be based upon a foundation of excellent training, backed by experience, designed with a strict attention to detail, and overseen by an eye for perfection. Dr. Sarbak understands that each plastic surgery patient is on their own personal journey. He enjoys taking that journey with each patient from the initial consultation through their final healing and beyond.
Dr. Sarbak is highly sought after for his outstanding skill in facelift surgery and other facial rejuvenation procedures. His extensive training in craniofacial surgery has molded his approach to cosmetic surgery of the face. This experience allows him to contour the face on many different levels for results that restore youthful beauty and look natural. His advanced level of skill in facial plastic surgery and reconstruction can be especially important in secondary facelift procedures where other doctors’ surgically created deformities must be addressed and corrected.
Dr. Sarbak travels annually to South America donating his time to help Peruvian children with congenital deformities of the lip and palate.
His work in nasal reconstruction has influenced his way of thinking about cosmetic rhinoplasty. Subtle alterations to the nose have the ability to bring about dramatic improvements in both facial harmony and personal confidence.
Dr. Sarbak takes full advantage of new developments in the field of body contouring and has emerged as a leader in high-definition liposuction and gluteal augmentation with fat grafting. He was involved in the early testing of VASER® Ultrasonic Liposuction System and uses this device, along with power assisted liposuction, to create precisely sculpted results for both men and women. Dr. Sarbak’s extensive experience performing high-definition liposuction procedures have enabled him to perfect his technique and produce natural-looking outcomes that his patients love.
Dr. Sarbak is also renowned for his breast augmentations. He is one of the most experienced plastic surgeons—in the entire country and world—in a specialized technique known as the transumbilical breast augmentation procedure or TUBA. He has also developed a new procedure called the internal mastopexy that allows for a scarless breast lift in certain select patients.
Vero Beach FL 32960