Radiesse® in Florida
If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of lines and sagging skin around your mouth and chin, consider Radiesse® injectable treatments. Radiesse® has been proven effective in treating these signs of aging. This popular dermal filler is available at many plastic surgery and Medical Spa offices.
What is Radiesse®?
Radiesse® is a dermal filler that is comprised of fast acting, powerful ingredients that are naturally occurring and allergy free. Radiesse® has been proven effective in eliminating unsightly wrinkles around the mouth and chin and can help encourage collagen production in your skin.
Benefits of Radiesse®
Radiesse® uses a synthetic calcium hydroxylapatite formula and can be used on people with a wide variety of skin types and tones. As we age, our skin produces less collagen, and our skin loses elasticity. This can cause wrinkles, sagging skin and jowls around the cheeks. Radiesse® can also help reduce the appearance of marionette lines, smile lines and moderate wrinkles in the lower part of the face.

Is Radiesse® Right For Me?
Men and women who have allergies to other dermal fillers have found Radiesse® to be a wonderful solution that doesn't cause any discomfort or irritation. Ideal candidates are usually between 35 and 60 years of age with realistic expectations and in good general health.
The Radiesse® Procedure
Radiesse® treatments are often fast, easy and virtually painless. The gel is injected directly under the skin in the desired areas. Multiple injections may be required to achieve the desired results. Once treatments are completed, patients are often free to immediately return to their day. Some activities should be avoided and redness and swelling may occur, but will subside in a few days.
How Much Does Radiesse® Cost?
Radiesse® costs will differ with each patient, so it is important to have a detailed discussion with a board-certified physician to learn more about the cost of Radiesse®.
What Should I Do Next?
If you are interested in learning more about Radiesse® or other dermal fillers, locate an experienced doctor in your area or contact the Florida Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Men and women can enjoy the remarkable allergy-free results from Radiesse® dermal fillers. If you wish to undergo Radiesse® injections, please schedule an appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon.